- 歌曲元数据是帮助用户理解音乐类型的东西,这样他们就可以决定是否要听这首歌
- 它可以包含多种类型的信息,如音乐时长、类型、标题、艺术家、专辑名称、评级、内容、描述、演员、导演、对歌曲的评论、流派、标签、跟踪器编号等。
- 如果歌曲没有音乐元数据信息,可以通过在线网站或元数据软件手动或自动添加
- 可以在<audio></audio>标签中间写文字,当浏览器不支持<audio>时,就会显示这串文字(注意只是显示里面的文字,并不会显示标签<audio></audio>)。
- 示例:
能看到这段话,说明您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- 如果出现该属性,则将显示浏览器默认的音乐控制面板(不同浏览器不一样)
- 取值只有一个,即 controls="controls" 可简写为 controls
- 如果写 controls="none" 等其他值,也等同于显示音乐控制面板
- 示例1:
<audio controls>
能看到这段话,说明您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- 示例2:
<audio controls="controls">
能看到这段话,说明您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- src属性用于指定音频文件的链接
- 注意:
- 浏览器支持的音频文件格式可能各不相同,可能有mp3,wav,ogg,m4a,aac ......
- 综合考虑兼容性和文件大小的话,建议使用mp3
- 具体浏览器是否支持,可以调用后面介绍的canplaytype(type)函数检查。
- 示例:
<audio src="./song.mp3" controls>
能看到这段话,说明您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- 除了上面的src属性可以指定资源文件链接,还可以在audio标签内写多个source标签来指定资源文件标签,但并不是说会顺着循环播放,而是浏览器会选择第一个支持的格式来进行播放。
- 示例:
<audio controls>
<source src="./song.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="./song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
能看到这段话,说明您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- 如果存在该属性,则音频在加载就绪后就会自动开始播放
- 取值只有一个:autoplay="autoplay",可简写为 autoplay
- 如果写 autoplay="none" 等其他值,等价于启用自动播放
- 因此如果需要控制,建议使用 js 调用 后面介绍的 play() 函数实现
- 注意:话是说可以自动播放,但目前很多浏览器由于用户体验,节省流量等原因,在一开始进入页面后并不会让音频自动播放,而是需要用户和页面有交互之后(即进行了点击(单击 onclick,双击 ondblclick,按下 onmousedown,松开 onmouseup,右击 oncontextmenu 等),键盘输入((按下 onkeydown,松开 onkeyup 等))等操作)才有用。具体则要看浏览器各自的规则。
- 在交互前使用autoplay可能会报错:DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first。
- 部分事件不算用户发生了交互(onmouseenter,onmouseleave,onmouseover,onmouseout)
- 对于<video>标签,可以设置muted静音后可以自动播放,但<audio>不行
- 解决办法:显然我们需要用户的交互动作,那么就需要在播放之前引导用户进行交互,可以是一个欢迎弹窗,教程弹窗等引导点击关闭。或是提供播放按钮,让用户点击后才进行播放。
- 示例1:
<audio autoplay>
您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- 示例2:
<audio autoplay="autoplay">
您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- 有这个属性的时候,就会循环播放指定的音频文件
- 取值只有一个,即 loop="loop" ,可简写为 loop
- 如果写 loop="none" 等其他值,等价于开启循环
- 示例:
<audio loop src="./song.mp3">
您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- 存在这个属性时,则默认静音
- 注意只是默认静音,可以通过控制面板或js调节音量来取消静音
- 取值只有一个,即 muted="muted" ,可简写为 muted
- 示例:
<audio muted src="./song.mp3">
您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- 设置音频的预加载方式
- 取值有三个:
- preload="auto",自动加载,页面加载后加载整个音频
- preload="metadata",自动加载,页面加载后只加载元数据
- preload="none",不自动加载
- preload="",等价于 auto
- 注意:autoplay属性优先级高于preload,若指定autoplay,则会忽略此属性,浏览器将自动加载音频以供播放。
- 示例:
<audio preload="auto" src="./song.mp3">
您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
- 双精度浮点数double。返回音频的总时长,单位为秒。
- 注意:如果音频元数据还没加载好,则这个值会是NaN
- 示例:
const audioDOM = document.getElementById("audio");
if (isNaN(audioDOM.duration)) {
// 未加载时的操作
} else {
// 已加载时的操作
- 布尔值boolean。如果音频是暂停状态,则返回 true ;否则返回 false
- 示例:
const audioDOM = document.getElementById("audio");
if (audioDOM.paused == true) { //如果是暂停状态
audioDOM.play(); //播放音频
} else { //如果正在播放
audioDOM.pause(); //暂停
- 布尔值boolean。音频播放完毕时,返回true,否则返回false
- 如果音频并没有开启loop循环,则可用这个属性判断是否播放完成。当然播放完毕时,会触发ended事件
- 字符串String。返回正在播放或加载的音频url链接,即浏览器在source标签里选择的文件。
- TimeRanges对象。表示浏览器已经缓存的音频范围
- buffered.length,完全加载时为1,但还没有加载完成之前,它可能是0(为0即为未加载或者加载错误),可能是2,3,4(已经加载这么多段,但还没有加载完成)等等
- buffered.start(index),返回浮点数,表示缓存的第index这一段的开头是第几秒。
- buffered.end(index),返回浮点数,表示缓存的第index这一段的结尾是第几秒。
- 注意:
- 调用start(index) 和end(index)之前,你需要判断length是否大于0,否则容易报错。
- 如果想以此做加载进度条,调用end(0)是不行的,因为在完全加载之前,它表示的是第一段加载的长度。建议这样写:buffered.end(buffered.length - 1)
- 示例(获取已加载的比例):
let audio = document.getElementById("audio");
let timeRanges = audio.buffered;
let num = 0;
if(timeRanges.length > 0)
num = parseInt(timeRanges.end(timeRanges.length - 1) * 100 / audio.duration);
if (num > 100)
num = 100;
else if (num < 0)
num = 0;
- TimeRanges对象。同buffered。
- 获取音频的网络范围
- 取值:
- 0:NETWORK_EMPTY,音频尚未初始化
- 1:NETWORK_IDLE,浏览器已选择好采用什么编码格式来播放媒体,但尚未建立网络连接
- MediaError对象。当发生错误时,会产生一个对象。如果目前没有错误,则返回null
- MediaError构成:
- code 错误码:
- MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED,音频加载加载过程中由于用户操作而被终止
- MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK,确认音频资源可用,但是加载时出现网路错误,音频加载被终止
- MEDIA_ERR_DECODE,确认音频资源可用,但是解码发生错误
- message 错误描述信息
- code 错误码:
- 布尔值boolean,如果用户移动或者跳转了播放进度,则触发seeking事件,这个值会返回true
- 即使暂停状态,跳转和移动播放进度条也会触发。
- 示例:
<audio id="audio" controls src="song.mp3" onseeking="seeking">
您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签捏
const audioDOM = document.getElementById("audio");
- 双精度浮点数double,返回已经播放的时长,单位为秒。可以给它赋值修改,来实现快进,回退,跳转等功能
- 取值应在 [0, (duration)]
- 示例:
const audioDOM = document.getElementById("audio");
if (audioDOM.currentTime > 5) {
audioDOM.currentTime -= 5;
} else {
audioDOM.currentTime = 0;
- 双精度浮点数double,返回当前音量大小,默认为 1,值为0时为静音。可修改它来增大,降低音量
- 取值应在 [0, 1]
const audioDOM = document.getElementById("audio");
if (audioDOM.volume < 0.9) {
audioDOM.volume += 0.1;
} else {
audioDOM.volume = 1;
- 双精度浮点数double,返回当前播放速度,默认为 1,可以通过修改它来调速。
- 最大速度根据浏览器不同而可能不同,建议在2倍速以内
- 取值建议在 [0, 2]
- 2:2倍速
- 1.5:1.5倍速
- 1:正常速度
- 0.5:半速
- 0:不动,但仍然在播放状态
- 示例:
const audioDOM = document.getElementById("audio");
if (audioDOM.playbackRate >= 2)
audioDOM.playbackRate = 0.5;
audioDOM.playbackRate += 0.25;
- controls控制面板
- autoplay自动播放
- muted静音
- loop循环播放
- 示例:
const audioDOM = document.getElementById("audio");
audioDOM.controls = true;
if(audioDOM.loop == false){
audioDOM.loop = true;
- 调用该方法能让音频播放
- 注意:
- 同 autoplay 属性一样,在调用之前,需要用户和界面有互动,否则将报错!
- 示例:
const audioDOM = document.getElementById("audio");
if (audioDOM.canPlay == true) { //如果资源准备好可以播放
if (audioDOM.paused == true) //音频为暂停状态
audioDOM.play(); //播放
audioDOM.pause(); //暂停
- 调用该方法能让正在播放的音频暂停
- 从 play() 的示例中已经很明显,我们可以通过paused来判断是否为暂停状态,不是则让它暂停,是则让它播放,由此则可以实现平常播放器中单个按钮实现暂停/播放功能
- 如果没有设置 preload ,则可以在js调用该函数来触发加载
- 开始加载音频了
- 音频的总时长改变了。一般就是加载好歌曲的元数据了,或者是切换audio标签的src资源,即切换歌曲的时候。
- 可以用作判断“音频初始化”的方法。当然初始化也可以用duration属性是否为NaN或者durationchange来判断。其中元数据就包含有歌曲总时长,标题,艺术家等信息。
- 音频的第一帧加载完成时触发,此时整个音频还未加载完。
- 每次浏览器一加载,就会触发这个事件。
- 注意这个事件并不是在加载完成前一直触发,浏览器一般一开始只会加载一部分,然后等你播放或跳跃到和已经加载的音频差不多或是已经超过的时候,才会开始再加载一部分,以此直到完成加载整个音频。
- 加载进度条的长度改变函数,就可以绑定在这个事件上。
- 音频可以播放了。音频只加载了一部分,但已经可以开始播放了
- 可以通过这个事件来设置加载动画。触发前启用加载动画,触发后移除加载动画
- 浏览器预计在不停下来进行缓冲的情况下,能够持续播放音频时会触发
- 即 currentTime 更新了,最频繁是每250毫秒触发一次。
- 播放进度条长度改变函数就可以绑定在这个事件上
- 由于没有数据而导致暂停时触发。
- 可用于绑定加载动画
- 从waiting状态转换到可以播放的状态时触发。
- play()方法被调用时触发。
- pause()方法被调用时触发。
- 音频播放完毕后触发。
- 当设置了autoplay时,不会触发这个事件
- 利用这个事件,可以实现播放列表的循环播放,随机播放。当触发时,切换src资源链接,并等待加载触发canplay,然后play()播放。
- 音量改变时触发。
- 音量条的函数可以绑定在这个事件上
- 播放速度改变时触发。
- 发生错误时触发。
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The Cruciality of Oscillation Management Equipment in Machines
Inside industrial contexts, equipment as well as rotational devices serve as the support of production. Yet, a of the highly common problems which might affect its operation along with lifetime is oscillation. Vibration could result in a series of challenges, ranging from minimized exactness along with productivity to increased deterioration, in the end bringing about expensive downtime as well as repairs. This is why vibration control equipment becomes critical.
Why Vibration Management remains Critical
Vibration inside equipment may cause various harmful consequences:
Minimized Operational Effectiveness: Excessive resonance might result in discrepancies and unbalance, reducing the efficiency of the devices. This could result in slower production times as well as elevated power consumption.
Elevated Erosion: Continuous vibrations speeds up overall erosion of mechanical parts, bringing about increased upkeep and the possibility of unexpected unforeseen malfunctions. This does not just increases maintenance expenses and decreases the durability of the existing equipment.
Safety Concerns: Unmanaged resonance can bring significant dangers both to both the equipment and the operators. In extreme situations, severe cases, these could cause devastating system collapse, endangering workers and resulting in significant damage to the environment.
Precision and Quality Concerns: For sectors that depend on precise production, such as production and aerospace, vibrations could lead to discrepancies in production, producing defective products and increased waste.
Reasonably Priced Approaches for Oscillation Control
Investing into vibration control systems remains not just a necessity but a prudent choice for any business any organization that uses machinery. The offered advanced vibration control systems are designed to reduce vibrations from various equipment or rotating machinery, guaranteeing uninterrupted along with efficient functioning.
Something that sets our apparatus apart remains its economic value. We know the significance of cost-effectiveness in the competitive market of today, thus we provide top-tier vibration management solutions at prices that are reasonable.
By choosing our systems, you are not just protecting your machinery and improving its performance you’re also putting resources in the long-term success of your operations.
Vibration control proves to be an essential factor of maintaining the operational performance, safety, and longevity of your equipment. Using our economical resonance mitigation apparatus, you can be certain your operations run smoothly, all manufactured items are of high quality, and your workers are protected. Don’t let resonance affect your business—invest in the correct apparatus today.
The Value of Resonance Management Equipment in Industrial Equipment
Within production sites, machines along with spinning machinery act as the backbone of operations. Nonetheless, one of the most common issues which may impede the efficiency and lifespan is vibrations. Oscillation may lead to a variety of complications, ranging from minimized perfection along with effectiveness to increased deterioration, eventually leading to expensive downtime along with maintenance. This is the point where vibration control equipment becomes vital.
Why Oscillation Control remains Critical
Oscillation within machines can cause several harmful consequences:
Decreased Production Efficiency: Excessive vibration could lead to misalignment and instability, lowering total efficiency of the devices. This might result in slower manufacturing speed as well as higher energy use.
Elevated Wear and Tear: Constant oscillation speeds up total erosion of machinery parts, causing more regular maintenance and the potential of unexpected issues. Such a scenario doesn’t merely heightens maintenance expenses as well as decreases the lifespan of the existing devices.
Protection Concerns: Unchecked vibration may pose major dangers both to both the equipment and the machinery and the workers. In, severe cases, it might result in devastating system collapse, endangering personnel and leading to widespread destruction to the environment.
Exactness and Quality Concerns: For businesses that demand high accuracy, for example manufacturing and aviation, vibration could cause inaccuracies in the manufacturing process, causing defective products and greater waste.
Economical Solutions to Vibration Management
Investing in resonance control equipment proves not only a necessity but a prudent choice for any business that relies on machinery. The offered advanced vibration regulation equipment are engineered to eliminate vibrations from all mechanical systems and rotating equipment, providing seamless and productive processes.
What sets our tools from others is its reasonable pricing. We understand the importance of affordability inside the competitive market of today, which is why we offer high-quality vibration regulation systems at rates that are reasonable.
Opting for our equipment, you aren’t simply preserving your machines as well as improving its operational effectiveness you’re also putting investment into the sustained performance of your company.
Final Thoughts
Vibration management remains a necessary component of maintaining the effectiveness, security, and lifetime of your industrial equipment. With these reasonably priced oscillation control systems, one can make sure your operations operate seamlessly, all goods remain top-tier, and all personnel remain safe. Don’t let oscillation undermine your company—make an investment in the right equipment now.
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The Value of Oscillation Control Apparatus in Industrial Equipment
In manufacturing contexts, equipment and turning machinery serve as the backbone of output. However, a of the most widespread problems that can impede its performance and durability is vibration. Oscillation can lead to a variety of complications, such as reduced exactness and productivity to elevated deterioration, in the end bringing about pricey downtime and repairs. This is the point where vibration management tools is critical.
Why Vibrations Mitigation remains Critical
Resonance in industrial equipment can bring about various detrimental consequences:
Minimized Operational Efficiency: Excessive vibration could cause discrepancies and imbalance, lowering overall performance with the machinery. This could lead to slower production schedules and increased energy consumption.
Increased Damage: Ongoing oscillation hastens overall deterioration in equipment components, causing more frequent maintenance along with the possibility of unexpected issues. Such a situation not only raises maintenance expenses and reduces the lifetime for the devices.
Safety Hazards: Excessive vibration may bring significant safety concerns to both the machinery and the operators. In severe cases, severe cases, it can cause cataclysmic system collapse, threatening workers along with resulting in significant damage to the premises.
Accuracy and Quality Challenges: In sectors that demand high accuracy, such as manufacturing or aviation, vibrations can result in flaws in the production process, producing flawed products and greater waste.
Reasonably Priced Solutions towards Vibration Control
Investing in the vibration management equipment is not just necessary and also a prudent choice for any company that relies on machines. Our modern vibration regulation equipment work to built to remove resonance in any machine as well as spinning equipment, guaranteeing uninterrupted and effective performance.
What distinguishes such systems from others is its affordability. It is recognized that the significance of affordability in the competitive market of today, which is why we have premium vibration regulation systems at rates that are affordable.
Opting for our systems, you’re not only preserving your machines and enhancing its performance as well as putting resources in the long-term performance of your business.
Final Thoughts
Vibration control is a vital component in preserving the operational performance, protection, and lifetime of your machines. Using our affordable vibration control equipment, you can ensure that your processes run smoothly, all goods remain top-tier, and your employees remain safe. Never let resonance compromise your machinery—invest in the correct apparatus immediately.
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having a difficult time choosing between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and
Drupal. The reason I ask is because your layout
seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something unique.
P.S Apologies for being off-topic but I had to
vibration analysis
The Value of Oscillation Management Apparatus in Machinery
Across industrial settings, devices along with spinning devices are the foundation of production. Yet, one of the commonly prevalent issues that could hinder its operation as well as durability is oscillation. Oscillation may lead to an array of issues, such as minimized exactness and efficiency to greater erosion, eventually causing pricey interruptions along with restoration. Such a situation is where vibration management systems becomes vital.
Why Vibration Management remains Important
Vibration inside machinery might result in multiple harmful consequences:
Decreased Operational Productivity: Excessive resonance may cause misalignments as well as unbalance, reducing total productivity with such systems. Such might bring about slower production times and greater energy consumption.
Increased Erosion: Continuous vibration hastens total wear and tear to machine components, resulting in more frequent upkeep and the potential of unexpected unexpected issues. Such a situation does not just increases operational costs and reduces the lifetime of your equipment.
Security Dangers: Unmanaged oscillation could introduce major safety concerns to the machinery and the machinery as well as the operators. In, severe cases, such vibrations might result in catastrophic equipment breakdown, jeopardizing employees and resulting in widespread devastation to the environment.
Accuracy and Manufacturing Quality Issues: For businesses which depend on high precision, including industrial sectors and aerospace, vibrations may cause discrepancies with the production process, producing defective products along with more waste.
Economical Alternatives for Vibration Management
Investing into resonance control apparatus is not just a necessity and also a wise choice for any business any company that uses machines. Our modern vibration control systems are engineered to eliminate vibrations within any machinery and rotating machinery, providing smooth along with effective performance.
What sets our tools from others is its economic value. We know the significance of affordability in the modern competitive marketplace, thus we provide top-tier oscillation control tools at pricing that remain budget-friendly.
Opting for our offerings, you’re not only protecting your machines and enhancing its efficiency but also putting investment in the long-term success of your company.
Vibration management remains an essential factor of maintaining the efficiency, safety, as well as durability of your machines. With our economical resonance mitigation apparatus, one can ensure your operations function efficiently, all goods remain top-tier, and your employees are protected. Don’t let resonance undermine your operations—invest in the right equipment now.
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